(Trailer 2008)
Wingis Struck | Director of Photography: XiaoSu Han
Beate Malkus, Marcus
Meisinger, Yoshe Malkus and Isabell Gründer
'Hagezussa' tells the story of
Hänsel and Gretel in a land full of danger and adventures,
and actually, it did not even happen,
yet, because it is situated in far away times.
Wars, storms, mischief raged above
Earth and even darkend the light of the sun. Each sheep of
metal, each tattered tyre around
here is a treasure, which was either battled or payed dearly for.
This is the world, in which the
scrap collector and his family try to survive in farytale-missing times
- until
the parents decide to finally leave
the children to their fate.
But Hänsel has an idea: he
collected splinters of metal, which he lets clandestinely fall on to
the path. He
doesn´t know, yet, that he
won´t find his way back. Because the splinters did arouse the
curiosity of something,
which dwells down in the valley.
Some creature, even the couraged srap workers are afraid of...

The feature film 'Hagezussa' is in the status of preparation. Please
visit as well the official website
of the film.